Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Laetrile In Cancer Cure: How It Works?

Vitamin B17

Laetrile has a dangerous component—cyanide— locked away inside. The only way that can get unlocked and come out is if the laetrile comes into contact with a cancerous cell. Cancer cells have an enzyme that unlocks that cyanide, so to speak and the cyanide comes out and destroys the cancer cells. When the cyanide comes out, a neutralizing substance also comes out that prevents the cyanide from harming any nearby healthy cells.
By taking Vitamin B17 daily, cancer cells never have a chance to develop because the laetrile destroys them too quickly.
So, it will make a lot of people interested to know that Vitamin B17 comes from something completely natural—apricot seeds.

Vitamin B17


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1 comment:

razif said...

thank you for a detailed about vitamin B17 .. i hope this explanation will provide a deeper understanding for major uses of vitamin B17 and save thousands of cancer patients around the world..
Vitamin B17 (Laetrile, Amygdalin) & Its Effectiveness

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