Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ways of Ingesting Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17

You can take vitamin B17 in tablet form-or, you can eat apricot seeds. Both of these methods will work to provide you with the necessary amygdalin to keep the cancer cells from invading your body. Additionally, in stronger doses, both can work (in some cases) to help fight cancer or to keep it in remission.

Many people wonder if it will boost their body's immune system if they eat apricot seeds and take vitamin B17 tablets at the same time. This is certainly possible-and, in fact, many of the highly noted amygdalin researchers do, indeed, take both vitamin B17 tablets and eat apricot seeds.

There are some detailed cancer preventative protocols and metabolic therapies outlined on the internet that specifically suggest eating a certain number of apricot seeds per day and taking vitamin B17 tablets those same days. So, it is safe to say that this is probably a good idea-if done correctly. Make sure to research first to find the best dosage for your body weight.

Vitamin B17


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