Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Vitamin B17: Powers of Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17

Maintaining a diet that includes Vitamin B17 will help your body to fight cancerous cells. Whether you take supplements or not, the Vitamin B17 you consume in the foods you eat will continue to get rid of the cancerous cells in your body. The Chinese have long believed in the powers of Vitamin B17 and use these Vitamin B17 rich foods for the treatment of tumors. They have been doing this for years.

Many would like you to believe that if you started consuming high dosages of Vitamin B17 foods or supplements, you will suddenly be cured of any cancer you may have. This is not the case. As of yet, there still, unfortunately, is not a cure for cancer. However, if you eat a diet that is rich in Vitamin B17, you’re taking a giant step towards helping your body to prevent cancerous cells from invading your system.

Vitamin B17


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